Software House

Our team of architects, analysts and programmers has experience in:

diagnosing customer requirements

problem analysis

process development

software implementation

implementation of complex IT systems

provision of maintenance in the field of implemented solutions

competence and team outsourcing

We implement projects based on the following technological stack:

Java, JEE, Spring, Spring Boot, JSF, Primefaces, Hibernate, JHipster 

C#, .NET, .NET Core, Entity Framework

JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, Express.js, React, Redux, Angular, HbbTV

PHP, PEAR, ADOdb, Symfony, Slim Framework, Doctrine

Python, django


C/C++, Perl, Go, Bash

PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLServer, MariaDB, MongoDB, Elasticsearch

Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly, Apache, IIS

Mobile technologies (Android, iOS, React Native)